Estate Maintenance and Woodland Management

M&N Horticulture specialize in both large domestic gardens through to estates. Our maintenance duties are tailored to each garden, working with the client or maintaining all the grounds and gardens as a whole. Main duties include grass cutting, border work including edging, seasonal pruning, reduction of shrubs for shape, size or after flowering and herbicide application. Regular routine maintenance visits are undertaken throughout the growing season until after autumn leaf fall.

As licensed waste carriers by the environment agency, M&N Horticulture are able to take away your garden waste, only using approved recycling center's.

What our clients think...

"Advice & Hard Work"

Garden Maintenance - Brundle

Thank you for all your help in making "Little Holland" even more beautiful! We appreciate your advice and hard work - thanks again

Association of Professional Landscapers Best UK Garden Design and Build Commended Award 2015

Estate Maintenance Projects...